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This low-carder is aiming for the main event

This low-carder is aiming for the main event

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Program license: Paid

Developer: Pyrodactyl

Works under: Windows

Also available for Mac


Program license

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  • Innovative blend of combat and conversational gameplay.
  • Playfully unique art style that compliments the game's tone.
  • Freedom to approach problems with multifaceted solutions.
  • Engaging decision-making mechanics that influence narrative outcomes.
  • Tongue-in-cheek humor and scenarios that offer delightful surprises.


  • Combat mechanics may be too simplistic for some players.
  • The persuasive mini-game can occasionally feel arbitrary in outcome.
  • May require high player self-restraint to avoid missing parts of the narrative.

An Unconventional Journey in the Ring

"Will Fight for Food: Super Actual Sellout: Game of the Hour" is more than just a game; it's a role-playing adventure with a choice-centric narrative that allows players to immerse themselves in the dualities of diplomacy and aggression. The game is set in a peculiar universe, ruled by the might and cunning of professional wrestlers.

Art That Packs a Punch

What immediately catches the eye is the game's art style, reminiscent of animated shows reserved for a Saturday morning audience. The vivid, block colorations and straightforward design give "Will Fight for Food" a distinct visual personality that harmonizes with its gameplay. As players take on the role of Jerad Dent, a fallen wrestler making his comeback to home turf, they navigate through the game with a sense of nostalgia, evoking classics of the 2D brawler genre.

The Dance of Combat and Conversation

Although brawling is deeply ingrained in the mechanics–featuring an uncomplicated combat system of kicks, punches, and shoulder barges–the game's true essence lies outside physical confrontations. "Will Fight for Food" is rich in dialogues, opening various pathways and options through interactive conversations. The game's witty humor shines through these exchanges, adding a layer of depth as players navigate through absurd yet enthralling situations.

The Delicate Art of Persuasion

There are instances where sheer muscle won't suffice and a more nuanced approach is required. The game introduces a mini-game of sorts where players must choose their body language, opinion, and tone to influence others. This system adds a strategic element to the social interactions, although its effectiveness is hit or miss, offering a proper challenge to the players' persuasive skills. This mechanic syncs well with the game's spirit, keeping players in character as they decide whether to charm or harm their way through scenarios.

Freedom of Choice

The game's standout feature is undoubtedly the dynamic choice system that allows players to resolve situations using intellect or force. Pulling on Jerad's luchador mask signifies the transition from diplomacy to fisticuffs, changing the course of the narrative and affecting future encounters. This freedom injects a feeling of empowerment and authenticity to the character's interactions with the game's eccentric cast.

An Underdog with Depth

While "Will Fight for Food" projects an initial impression of simplicity with its cartoonish aesthetics and light-hearted humor, beneath the surface lies a game with substantive choices and unexpected complexity. The gameplay may not set a benchmark in mechanics, but the degree of freedom it presents is both refreshing and engaging.

In conclusion, "Will Fight for Food" is an RPG that defies the norms, inviting players to don the mask and mantle of a wrestler who must navigate the treacherous waters of celebrity, infamy, and redemption, using both brain and brawn.


  • Innovative blend of combat and conversational gameplay.
  • Playfully unique art style that compliments the game's tone.
  • Freedom to approach problems with multifaceted solutions.
  • Engaging decision-making mechanics that influence narrative outcomes.
  • Tongue-in-cheek humor and scenarios that offer delightful surprises.


  • Combat mechanics may be too simplistic for some players.
  • The persuasive mini-game can occasionally feel arbitrary in outcome.
  • May require high player self-restraint to avoid missing parts of the narrative.